Mythos-Buster Russisches Energieembargo
Russia had spent USD 62 billion on their war industry in 2020 and 2021. And earned about USD 63 billion from international oil and gas sales only in the third quarter of 2021
Despite the sanctions, Russia still has a significant income flow: more than EUR 30 bln were received from the EU since February 24th, and the number keeps growing.
On March 3rd alone, the EU received a gas delivery from Russian valued at EUR 660 million (also a consequence of record gas prices). (read more here )
Therefore, further sanctions are needed to reduce Russian income and stop the weapon and vehicle development.
Even with a total fuel embargo, the EU industry is safe!
Taking the most vulnerable Germany as an example: if the German population agrees that turning off the heatings next winter would be acceptable if all other means fail, this would be a 100% guarantee to German industry. That is an emergency scenario.
Using data from Eurostat, we can argue that an embargo is possible without touching industry consumption at all, by cutting only private consumption.
In Germany, even if all Russian imports of 2045 PJ (petajoules) are cancelled, this means that still 1457 PJ are available which is more than the industry need of 1285 PJ. Assuming that the use of gas for power generation can be substituted by coal, then the leftover 172 PJ (14%) would allow to operating facilities such as hospitals at unchanged room temperature.
Alternatively, bills can increase by 7-8% . There could be a EUR 200 to EUR 1200 per citizen of total economic loss. Is that too much?
The war itself is already affecting the economy.
Prolonging the crisis caused by war will result in much higher economic costs.
Any shortfall in supply would lead to higher prices and, consequently, higher inflation in Europe. Prices for wheat, corn, nickel, had all risen: wheat by 42%, corn by 62%, and nickel by 50%.
European and Russian aircraft are banned from each other's air space. The result is that planes traveling between Europe and Asia must take longer and more expensive routes. Not only is this disruptive to passenger travel, but it also increases the cost and reduces the efficiency of transporting high-value merchandise.
The impacts can also spill over into other economies like the US because of the extensive trade between the US and Europe. Moreover, Russia and Ukraine are major producers of commodities that are important in the production of semiconductors and batteries. If Russian and/or Ukrainian exports of these commodities were to be curtailed, the global price would rise and shortages could ensue, thereby hurting some US industries, adding to inflation, and reducing potential output.
The faster Russia collapses, the faster new economical solution will appear: Ukraine will become a wheat exporter again, the airspace above Russia and Ukraine will be open, refugees will stop flooding other countries, and new, fresh, started-from-the-blank -page trade contracts may be built between the EU and newborn smaller post-Russian republics.
It's a divorce with Russia, and we shouldn't come back into such an unhealthy relationship. In the long term, we can rearrange our energy sources.
Russia thinks all the companies will come back to them because they won't survive without the Russian market. Let's prove they are wrong. We have options on the table.
What else can we do to stop the war?
Persuade China to divorce with Russia too. Sign petition here
For Ukrainians: Help Russian soldiers to sabotage, i.e. to refuse to fight, to destroy or bring the vehicles and weapons to Ukrainians. The EU or US could fund a green corridor for the soldiers to leave the war.
NATO close the sk... Nah, too dangerous, they won't do that.
Persuade the EU government to close the Western channel of China Railway Express which goes via Russian land, to prevent a possibility of smuggling.
Everyone can help now!
Join us! Visit demonstrations, help with the research, and more.
Sign petitions:
- Petition to the EU government to stop import of the Russian fuel (FR);
- Greenpeace petition to German government to stop import of the Russian fuel (DE);
- Petition to German and the EU governments to stop import of the Russian fuel (ENG, DE);
- Petition to the EU government to stop import of the Russian fuel (DE);
- Petition on the Bundestag website calling to stop import of the Russian fuel, to exclude Russia from SWIFT, and more sanctions (DE);
- Petition to the EU government to stop import of the Russian fuel and exclude Russia from SWIFT (IT);
- Petition to TotalEnergies company and the EU government calling to stop import of the Russian fuel (ENG);
- Open letter to Czech Government to support Russian fuel import ban (CZ).
- Petition to the EU government to exclude Gazprom and Sberbank from SWIFT (ENG);
2. Feasibility Studies
Bachmann, R., Baqaee, D., Bayer, C., Kuhn, M., Loeschel, A., Moll, B., Peichl, A., Pittel, K., & Schularick, M. 2022. What if if...? The economic impact of a Russian energy import ban on Germany. 35.
MEP Michael Bloss, Dr. Manuel Köhler (Aurora), Prof. Veronika Grimm (FAU), Franziska Brantner (BMWK), Elias Perabo on Europe Calling "Stop gas, oil and coal from Russia?", 2022, . At the beginning the analyzes by Aurora Energy Research, especially from minute 9 "Halt to Russian gas imports scenario", and Prof. Grimm, then discussion.
Leopoldina. (2022). How Russian natural gas can be replaced in the German and European energy supply.
Palacio, A. (2022, February 28). How Europe Can Sustain Russia Sanctions | by Ana Palacio, et al. Project Syndicate.
Zimmer, Markus, Katharina Utermöhl, and Ano Kuhanthan, Allianz Research, “CAN EUROPE DO WITHOUT RUSSIAN GAS?,” 2022. publications/specials/en/2022/march/2022_03_03_EU_without_russian_gas.pdf
Hecking, Harald, Christopher John, and Florian Weiser. “An Embargo of Russian Gas and Security of Supply in Europe,” 2014.
Bayer, Christian, Moritz Kuhn, Benjamin Moll, and Moritz Schularick. "Russian gas import ban: Procrastination costs a lot more." The time. March 14, 2022, Economy.
Institute of German Economics, “Russian gas: Can Europe cope with an import ban?”. . In it, the effects of gas embargoes against Russia of various lengths are analyzed within the framework of hypothetical scenarios.
Guriev, Sergei, and Olivier Itskhoki. The Economic Rationale for an Oil and Gas Embargo on Putin's Regime. bne IntelliNews, March 24, 2022.
Guriyev, Sergei, and Oleg Itskhoki. "Oil and Gas from Russia: Why an Embargo Could End Vladimir Putin's War." Der Spiegel, March 22, 2022, sec. Economy.
Lukasz Rachel. “RUSSIA ENERGY BAN MYTH BUSTER: Frequent Arguments against Taking Action Now, and Why They Don't Stack up,” 2022.
(Acknowledgments: Parts of the analysis from )
Gas Delivery Reports:
- “EU Member State Spending on Russian Fossil Fuels.”
"EU Continues to Buy Russian Gas Amid Ukraine War - Bloomberg." Accessed March 29, 2022.
ENTSOG gas flow data
cost accounts:
1 trillion EUR: Liadze, Iana, Corrado Macchiarelli, Paul Mortimer-Lee, and Patricia Sanchez Juanino. “The Economic Costs of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict,” no. 32 (nd): 12.
For comparison: US cost of war in Afghanistan: $2.313 trillion, Watson Institute. “Human and Budgetary Costs to Date of the US War in Afghanistan, 2001-2022 | Characters | cost of war." The Costs of War, 2022.