Speech demo Munich April 2nd, 2022 https://youtu.be/BTX3fc8nkKk
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Overview list with many events nationwide: https://www.friedenskooperative.de/termine/text/r
NOTE! As this is about events in Germany, the German page is maintained more regularily -> https://www.create-peace-now.org/demo
04/16 Easter march eg Berlin https://www.friedenskooperative.de/termine/ostermarsch-2022-in-berlin Munich https://www.muenchner-friedensbuendnis.de/Ostermarsch-Muenchen-2022 _ nationwide https://www.friedenskooperative.de/ostermarsch-2022
March 30, Gemünd: on schedule, 7 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/30 Remels: Memorial at St. Martin's Church, 5:30 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/29 Freital: Peace Square, 6 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/29 Freigericht-Somborn: Rathausplatz, 6 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
28th March Freinsheim: chain of lights around the city wall, 8 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/28 Leipzig: Nikolaikirchhof, 6 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/28 Riesa: Alexander Pushkin Square, 5:45 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/28 Südlohn: Friedensengel between Friedhofstrasse and Eschstrasse, 6:30 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
03/28 Wittenberg: market/corner of Coswiger Strasse, 6 p.m https://www.spd.de/aktuelles/ukraine-invasion/
Saturday, 03/26/2022 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Magdeburg Lay down your arms - now! End the war immediately! Peace rally "Down with your arms - now! End the war immediately!", https://www.friedenskooperative.de/termine/text/r
03/25 climate strike https://fridaysforfuture.de/
03/24 "One Month of Russian Aggressive War on Ukraine - Stop Now!", Gathering in front of the Russ. Consulate General Bonn (Waldstraße 42; Bad Godesberg, time: 4 - 6 p.m. Contact soemayer@gmx.de
20.03. Munich, March 20, 5:30 p.m. - Benefit screening of the documentary film "Klitschko". All proceeds will be donated to BILD eV "Ein Herz für Kinder" More information at: https://www.kino-hilft-ukraine.de
20.03. Bonn 4:00 p.m. Singing human chain https://www.uni-bonn.de/de/neues/give-peace-a-chance-singende-menschenkette-am-20-maerz-2022
19.03 Dusseldorf https://www.24rhein.de/duesseldorf/duesseldorf-ukraine-krieg-demo-samstag-sperrungen-verkehr-polizei-91417781.html
03/19 Cologne https://koelle4future.de/blog/2022/03/17/parents-for-future-koeln-mahnwache/
19.03 Munich 8:00 p.m. in Backstage Werk - benefit rock concert “Solidarity to Ukraine”. The entire entrance fee goes to the organization Humedica from Kaufbeuren. More information at: https://www.backstage.info/veranstaltungen-2/alle-veranstaltungen/item/benefit-concert-solidarity-to-ukraine
03/19/2022 Munich https://pulseofeurope.eu/poe-staedte/deutschland/muenchen/
1:00 p.m. at Odeonsplatz - large non-partisan rally "Together against war"
03/18/2022 Munich 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Lihotzky - benefit concert with the Ukrainian dance group "Z Pertzem" and other artists. Donations are used for the refugees on site More information at: https://www.lihotzky.org/veranstaltungen/benefit-evening-ukraine/